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20 000 CFA
Rotation smart object tracking
3 annéesDieuppeul-Derklé, Dakar, SénégalAccessoires Téléphonie
Détails du produit
The robo smart gimbal lets you film yourself totally hands-free. using ai technology, robo automatically recognizes your face and follows you wherever you go. it proceeds to intelligent shooting with infinite 360° rotation — once your face is detected, it starts taking pictures or videos automatically. the two-person shooting mode also allows you to freeze intimate moments. take a selfie-and no longer ask for help with robo smart gimbal.
20 000 CFA
Rotation smart object tracking
3 annéesDieuppeul-Derklé, Dakar, SénégalAccessoires Téléphonie
Détails du produit
The robo smart gimbal lets you film yourself totally hands-free. using ai technology, robo automatically recognizes your face and follows you wherever you go. it proceeds to intelligent shooting with infinite 360° rotation — once your face is detected, it starts taking pictures or videos automatically. the two-person shooting mode also allows you to freeze intimate moments. take a selfie-and no longer ask for help with robo smart gimbal.
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