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Prix sur demande

Babysitting - assistante maternelle - professeur d'anglais - nounou

3 annéesOuest Foire, Dakar, SénégalBabysitting et nounou

Détails du produit

Hello, i've been living in dakar for just few weeks and i 'm searching for an occupation as a child care assistant/babysitter/english teacher/nounou for kids. i love interacting with children of all ages and my experience as an english teacher (changsha, china, 6 months) and as a child care assistant (trento, italy, 6 months) confirmed that. my working precedents provided me the necessary skills to interact with kids in a proper way, depending on the context and on their condition. my teaching experience helped me to gain knowledge about teaching and relational techniques. feel free to contact me for an interview, thanks in advance, sara.

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Prix sur demande

Babysitting - assistante maternelle - professeur d'anglais - nounou

3 annéesOuest Foire, Dakar, SénégalBabysitting et nounou

Détails du produit

Hello, i've been living in dakar for just few weeks and i 'm searching for an occupation as a child care assistant/babysitter/english teacher/nounou for kids. i love interacting with children of all ages and my experience as an english teacher (changsha, china, 6 months) and as a child care assistant (trento, italy, 6 months) confirmed that. my working precedents provided me the necessary skills to interact with kids in a proper way, depending on the context and on their condition. my teaching experience helped me to gain knowledge about teaching and relational techniques. feel free to contact me for an interview, thanks in advance, sara.

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Sara Giovine

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1 Annonces

Membre depuis  3 années

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